Property Dispute Lawyers in Ohio

Best Practices for Handling Land Disputes

In an ideal world, you’ll always get along with your neighbors. They’ll never create a boundary dispute by building a shed that infringes on your property. They’ll never make a spite fence that blocks your view of the neighborhood. They’ll never be provided inaccurate deed descriptions that can skew real estate rights or have unrecorded deeds that can convey the same property to different people.

Unfortunately, disputes occur every day. Land disputes can arise between landlords and tenants, homeowners associations, government agencies, property visitors, or trespassers. You must know how to act if a difference can’t be easily rectified or avoided. Let’s learn about common land disputes and the best ways to protect yourself and your property.

What are Property and Boundary Lines?

A county’s tax map defines property and Boundary lines to determine ownership of different parcels of land. Often these lines are physical landmarks like a creek or road, while other times, the lines are arbitrarily drawn through an open space. For this reason, it can be challenging to determine exactly where a property line begins or ends, especially if the landscape has changed over the years. A property line dispute can emerge when a neighbor or other entity claims real estate beyond their boundary lines or claims that you’re doing the same.

property dispute lawyer

How to Resolve a Property Line Dispute

As we’ve been told since childhood, talking it out is always the best first course of action. This is often correct when it comes to a small area of land being disputed. For instance, if your neighbor slightly built a small storage shed onto your property, asking them to move it (or helping them rebuild a portion) is much cheaper than litigation costs. When a minimal amount of land is at stake, do your best to be civil and come to a mutually beneficial agreement. Having a stable relationship with your neighbor may be all it takes to clear up a small misunderstanding.

Bringing legal documentation to your discussion can help provide evidence that clears a dispute. Deeds, plat maps, title work, appraisals, and property surveys can all be useful in getting to the truth of the matter.

If you need documented proof of boundary and property lines, a surveyor can help determine the exact locations based on the legal description contained in your deed.

Reaching an Agreement or Using a Mediator

If you feel comfortable tackling the issue head-on and coming to a mutually beneficial agreement with your neighbor, you can sign a deed that sets the new perimeters of land. This may involve a financial exchange or property purchase. Working with an attorney to sign the deed and file it with the country recorder should be done promptly to restate the issue. If you are close but can’t quite agree, you can involve a mediator. They can often find a mutually beneficial conclusion to the ongoing dispute at an agreeable fee.

Send a Letter Through an Attorney

If an in-person conversation or a letter doesn’t suffice, or the value or area of the land in question is relatively high, consulting with an attorney experienced in land disputes is advisable. At HML, our attorneys can provide detailed answers to your questions and concerns. A letter from one of our attorneys can help jump-start stalled negotiations by going into detail about the property line dispute with reliable facts on your side.

ohio lawyers

Taking the Issue to Court

If all other avenues fall short and you are comfortable that your evidence and arguments are substantial, the court is your final destination. Your attorney will prepare for the court’s legal briefs and continue research. Early in the process, a settlement is often a secure option.

A settlement minimizes the expenses incurred by both parties and keeps neighborly relationships from turning sour. If you haven’t already met with a mediator, now would be the time. Your attorney will continue to guide you through the process and ensure you receive a fair settlement.

Does Title Insurance Cover the Property Line Dispute?

The title insurance policy typically purchased ensures that the insurance company will not be responsible for the costs incurred during a boundary line dispute. However, this doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea to bring it to the attention of your title insurer. There is always a chance that they may agree to provide you with an attorney after reviewing your policy and case.

If you’re facing a property line dispute or need expert advice on land issues, consult with our experienced attorneys at HML. We can help you understand your rights, explore amicable solutions, and, if necessary, provide strong legal representation to ensure a fair settlement. Protect your property with confidence – reach out to us today. 419.662.3100