
July 8, 2019

How Do Wills Work?

How Do Wills Work? The concept of Last Wills and Testaments, commonly referred to as “wills,” has been an integral part of legal and societal structures for centuries. Their primary function is to facilitate the distribution of an individual’s monetary assets, personal belongings, and other types […]
June 18, 2019
special needs trust

What NOT To Include In A Living Will

Creating a last will and testament is one of the most responsible and informed decisions you can make. It tells your family and loved ones exactly what your last wishes are regarding your assets and property. However, there are many things we recommend that you should […]
May 1, 2019
HML - Toledo Probate Lawyers

Living Will- What Is It And Do I Need One?

When looking at the importance of having a will and leaving a legacy for your family, it is easy to overlook one important thing–you are still living and have a say-so in what happens to you and for you. While many are advised to create a […]
April 16, 2019
last will and testament

Why You Need a Final Will

Complacency, fear, and procrastination are the leading reasons why close to 57% of living Americans do not have a will. Having a will, or last will and testament, is perhaps the most significant things you can do to help protect yourself and your family. At times, […]
April 3, 2019
die without will

What Happens Legally if Someone Dies Without a Will?

Emotions typically run high when a person dies. Unfortunately, death does not always bring out the best in people. These reactions are even more heightened when the deceased does not have a will in place. If a person dies without a will, it is known as […]
February 15, 2019
update my will

How Often Should I Be Updating My Will?

A will is a plan for your estate. In the estate planning world, it is the bare minimum that you will need for your estate plan, yet it is a vital part. Yet simply creating a will is not always sufficient. As your lifestyle and life […]